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Educator Workshops

Dauphin County Parks and Recreation works in conjunction with organizations such as the PA Game Commission, PA Fish and Boat Commission, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and the PA Department of Education to introduce educators to quality natural history curriculums. Educators, both formal and non-formal, have the opportunity to increase their knowledge of history and nature by attending educator workshops. Wildwood workshops deal with topics such as wetlands, forests, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and plants and animals. Wildwood workshops could include the following curricula:

Upcoming Workshops

PA Songbirds!

Tuesday, March 11 | 9AM – 3PM

Songbirds have fascinated people for thousands of years, inspiring art, music, science and even engineering! Join Naturalists at Wildwood Park for a Pennsylvania Songbird Workshop featuring the newly revised Pennsylvania Songbirds K-8 Guide. During this hands-on workshop we will explore bird biology, adaptations, and migration; discover how birds influence design and engineering; and examine issues that affect both birds and people, such as land use and climate change. The workshop will also include bird identification and a short hike to discover the many species of birds that can be seen at Wildwood Park. PA Songbirds is coordinated by DCNR – Bureau of State Parks. This guide was developed in partnership between PA DCNR – Bureau of State Parks and Audubon Mid-Atlantic.

This workshop is for any educator interested in birds and teaching through place-based education such as classroom teachers, non-formal educators, college students studying to be teachers (pre-service), school administrators, homeschool teachers and youth leaders. Morning refreshments and snack provided. ACT 48 hours are available for PA Certified Teachers. The workshop will be held indoors and outdoors. Pre-registration required.

Click here to register. 

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