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A Night Under the Stars at Detweiler Park

Friday, October 11, 2024 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Cost: $2.00

This program will take place shortly after a new moon, so we will have exceptionally dark skies for stargazing! Our Night Under the Stars also occurs near the peak of the Draconid and Orionid Meteor Showers. The Orionid meteor shower is created by the trail of gas, dust, and ice from the Comet Halley and can produce highly luminous meteors known as “fireballs”. Enjoy the night sky, learn the myths and legends of constellations, and discover the basics of astrophotography! The evening will begin with a short 0.75 mile walk along variable terrain to the open fields of the Airstrip Loop. Dress for the weather, bring a flashlight. This program is part of the Park Rx series of programs sponsored by Highmark Blue Shield. Pre-registration is required.

Dauphin County Park Rx wellness programs are sponsored by Highmark.

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