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Astronomy Program at Detweiler Park

Friday, March 24, 2023 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Cost: $5.00

Join Astronomical Society of Harrisburg President, Eric Roth and other ASH members for an evening of star gazing at Detweiler Park. The evening will begin with a short 0.3 mile walk along variable terrain to the open fields. With the help of scopes, binoculars and sky maps, participants will be able to observe popular spring constellations including Ursa Major, Leo, Cancer, Auriga, Virgo and Bootes. Dress for the weather and bring something to sit on. Program limited to 25 participants. This program is part of the Park Rx series of programs sponsored by Highmark Blue Shield. Pre-registration required.

Please note this program has been canceled due to the forecast for this weekend. 

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