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Flower Arranging using a Japanese Nageire Container

Thursday, April 18, 2024 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Cost: $50.00

Join Dolores McGee, owner of D McGee Design Studio, to learn more about using a Japanese Ikebana Nageire style container. The Nageire style container is, in general, a ceramic cylinder that is at least 11″ tall with a 3-4” opening. Nageire containers rely on learning how to construct hidden mechanics and understanding the balance that is required to create a design that looks like it floats on the rim of the container. Participants will receive a typical Nageire container, greenery and flowers to use in your design.

The workshop includes a brief overview; a discussion and demonstration of a typical arrangement and a 15-minute foraging session in the spaces around the Nature Center where you will find the woody materials to use in your Nageire creation. Dolores will provide design instruction and assistance as you gain a level of comfort with this fun and easy style of Japanese design. Limited to 20 participants. Pre-registration required.

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