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Girl Scouts: Outdoor Art- Maker, Creator, Apprentice, Explore & Expert Badge edit

Saturday, May 20, 2023 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Cost: $12.00

Outdoor Art combines the creativity of art with the beauty of nature. In this Girl Scout program, scouts are invited to meet and work with an artist, take a hike for ideas and create their own art to fulfill most, if not all, requirements for their appropriate badge. They will also examine a few Art In The Wild installations created by artists and organizations along our trails and contribute to an upcycled bottle-cap mural to be displayed at Wildwood. Please bring a drink, snack and lunch. Dress for indoor and outdoor activities in clothes that may get dirty and wear sneakers or other closed-toed shoes. Space is limited. Pre-registration required.

This program is for Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette or Senior Girl Scouts. 

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