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Pound the Colors of Wildwood into Cloth

Thursday, August 01, 2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Cost: $45.00

Design a unique cotton pillow cover (18” x 18”) using flowers and leaves from Wildwood Park. Natural dyer Carol Reed will lead participants on a short walk to forage plant material at the Park before returning to the Olewine Pavilion where participants can choose from additional flowers and herbs from her garden. Create a design with your gathered materials and use a hammer to pound color, petals and leaf shape and veins into the cloth. Create a one-of-a-kind memory of a place and a time. A pillow insert will also be given to each participant. Program will occur outdoors; participants should meet at the Olewine Pavilion located near the Nature Center. Workshop is limited to 18 participants. Pre-registration required.

For more information on Carol visit

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