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PSE Master Gardeners’ Spring Symposium: Climate Smart Gardening

Saturday, February 24, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Cost: $10.00

Climate change is affecting our gardens and the plants we choose to grow. Our landscapes must now focus on capturing carbon, holding onto and filtering rainwater, supporting biodiversity of plants and animals, and providing floral resources for our pollinators in all of the seasons they are active. Join us as Master Gardeners Michael Brewer and Steve Tambolas discuss these challenges and present practical advice for taking action in your backyard to meet these goals.

Come together with Penn State Master Gardeners to explore conquering Climate Challenges in your Garden, Rain Garden Construction, and an array of other invaluable gardening insights.

Attend in-person or virtually for a comprehensive experience! For those who attend in-person, there will be door prizes, including a raffle for a free rain barrel. Refreshments and giveaway details will be provided for those attending in person. Preregistration is required.

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