The Great Egret has returned to the Lake.
The Lenten Rose is blooming in front of the Nature Center.
Recent sightings from the Towpath Trail include Wilson’s Snipe, Tundra Swan, Wood Duck, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Gadwall and American Black Duck.
All Boardwalks are open.
The North Boardwalk is closed for repairs due to a large fallen tree.
2025 Art In The Wild Artists have begun installing their sites. They will continue working until Monday, March 31.
Northern Pintail, American Black Duck, Hooded Merganser and Mallards have been spotted between the Morning Glory and Towpath Trail in the Lake.
Skunk Cabbage is beginning to bloom along the East Shore Trail.
The Boardwalks are open.
Wildwood Park and the Olewine Nature Center will open at 10:30am on Thursday morning.
Boardwalks are closed.
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