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February 6

All Dauphin County parks will remain closed on Thursday morning until further notice to allow maintenance time to treat building pathways and parks parking lots. Thank you for your patience during this anticipated severe weather event.

April 6

Trout Lilies and Dutchman’s Breeches are blooming in the Park.

April 3

A mink was seen along the bank of Paxton Creek behind the Nature Center.

April 2

Art In The Wild Opens today!

March 22

Spicebush, “forsythia of the wilds” is beginning to bloom delicate yellow blossoms along Wildwood Way Trail, the East Shore Trail and parts of the Towpath.

March 20

Our first Great Egrets of the year were spotted on the Lake today!

March 10

An Eastern Phoebe was observed by the Paxton Creek Bridge.

March 4

Artists participating in the 2023 Art In The Wild Exhibition have begun installation. Please do not touch their works-in-progress.

February 22

35-40 Tundra Swans were spotted on the Lake today.

February 21

Park Maintenance Staff are working to cut down invasive, non-native Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in the Park, which is a known favorite host species for the invasive Spotted Lantern Fly.

February 17

Skunk Cabbage is blooming along the East Shore Trail. A few garter snakes made an appearance with the recent warm weather.

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