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Wildwood Restoration & Dredging Summary

The Problem

Wildwood Park’s wetlands have undergone a high rate of sedimentation over the last 100 years. Due to the accumulation of silt, Wildwood Lake’s depth has changed from 4 feet to 3 inches. It is losing its ability to function as a large catch basin for storing floodwaters and keeping pollution, mostly sediment, from reaching the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Recreational opportunities and wildlife habitats have diminished from the Lake’s succession from deep water, to marsh and upland environments.

The Solutions

Restoration efforts, both in Wildwood and throughout the watershed, will provide an increase in water quality and flood protection while maintaining optimal recreation areas and diverse wildlife habitat for the Park’s 115,000 annual visitors.

1: Implement best management practices to restore Paxton Creek’s natural ecological functions

2. Determine how to best restore Wildwood

Project Brochure Click Here

Public Meeting on Wildwood Restoration & Dredging (watch the recorded meeting below)

3. Wildwood Restoration Construction (not funded)


What Has Been Done So Far?

2010 – Modification of the Morning Glory outlet to address flooding

2015 – Feasibility Study of Wildwood Lake

2017 – Wildwood Lake Partnership determine viable funding sources

2019 – Awarded Wildwood Lake Restoration Design and Permitting grant

2021 – Applied for US Congressional funding for Wildwood Lake Restoration (not awarded)

2022 – Wildwood Lake Restoration Design and Permitting
This project focused on design of select dredging and restoration in Wildwood Lake. It was not for project construction.

2022 – Public Meeting on Wildwood Lake Dredging (over 100 attendees)

2023 – Wildwood Lake Restoration Design Completed

2023 – Awarded DEP Growing Greener grant for Phase 1A – Paxton Creek Stream Stabilization.

2023/24 – Permitting with Army Corps of Engineers

2024 – Permitting for Phase 1A – Paxton Creek Stream Stabilization

2025 – Construction for Phase 1A – Paxton Creek Stream Stabilization




Next Steps:

What do you think should happen to Wildwood Lake? Email your thoughts to